Sunday, 26 August 2012

They all count!

Went back to the River Wey - caught a small perch on a spinner.
Lost another pike of about 3lbs - possibly the same one I lost before. 
(Think i'll leave this bit of the river and head to the main River Thames at Chertsey)

(An eel we caught from this spot a while back)

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Travel Light - Travel Far

A short session on the River Wey. Going with light gear makes it easy to walk a long way and this a good way to tackle more water. Not too successful but was still good to catch. 

All 3 caught on a small spinner (Lost a slightly bigger pike) As these were only small I took pics on my mobile to get them back in the river quickly. For bigger fish I'll set a tripod/camera up for better pics.